Dawn Maneese – Business Development Director

Dawn joined our company after 20+ years in the business world. She has an extensive background in sales, finance, marketing, operations and customer service.

After gaining an understanding of Young Star Academy and the importance of the work being accomplished here as well as their philosophy, Dawn knew this was a company she wanted to be a part of. Dawn believes making a change in the lives of others is one of the most gratifying rewards a person can receive. “To see the difference in a youth from the person they were when they came to our facility, into the person they become by the time they are walking out the door after they graduate our program is absolutely amazing”.

As intake coordinator, Dawn strives for an easy placement process into Young Star Academy. “I know it is never an easy decision knowing you are responsible for a child’s future. Sometimes children just need another chance. Young Star Academy is the way to give them that chance”.

Please call Dawn with all your referral needs.