Mental Health and Residential Services

Decision Making

Decision Making

Decision Making is meant to help youth learn to make healthy choices that will help build positive character traits into their lives. Emphasis of group is on character building and how decisions play into that. A quote that is utilized is “thoughts and feelings lead to choices, choices lead to actions, actions lead to habits, habits lead to character, character leads to destiny.”

Mood Management

Mood Management

Mood Management goal focuses on building strengths in individuals who may struggle with emotional regulation. Topics that are explored are the definitions of Depression, Anxiety, and Bipolar Disorders, Trauma, Social Anxiety, Fight or Flight response and Triggers. Peers work on learning their own early signs of loss of control and practice problem solving and coping skills.

Independent Living

Independent Living

Independent Living groups teach youth daily skills to help them prepare for the future of being self-sufficient in society. Boys are taught a variety of skills starting with cleaning, laundry and cooking, all the way to interviewing for a professional job and balancing a budget.

12 Steps

12 Steps

12 Steps is group therapy based on the concept of a support group. 12 Steps takes some of the principles and concepts of a support group focused on peers abstaining from drugs and/or alcohol. Within the program, peers are educated on the negative effects of drugs, thinking distortions associated with drug usage and/or drug addiction, by giving them information to move towards changing their actions and behaviors.

Thinking for a Change

Thinking for a Change

Thinking for a Change is an integrated cognitive behavior change program that conveys a fundamental principle of “We can take charge of our lives by learning more effective ways of thinking”. Facilitators demonstrate the three cognitive perspectives of the program which are social skills, the skill of cognitive self-change and problem-solving skills. Group members role play situations using specific skill steps for each social skill and problem-solving skills. They explore new ways of thinking and apply them to their substance abuse and sobriety goals.

Developing Resiliency

Developing Resiliency

Developing Resiliency focuses on developing awareness of how past trauma and loss affects thought process, relationships, and behaviors. Residents are encouraged to develop skills that will increase their self-esteem, build on their strengths, and empower positive changes as they develop understanding that past trauma was not their fault. The purpose of developing resiliency skills is to promote healthier functioning levels during daily living and in their relationships.