COVID-19 Precautions
March 12, 2020
August 26, 2020
COVID-19 Precautions
March 12, 2020
August 26, 2020


Typical program duration is 6-12 months as youth progress through 5 treatment phases:


Phase Typical duration Expectations Summary Privileges youth can earn
Orientation 4-6 weeks Get a haircut. Learn orientation handbook and program standards. Exchange past histories with peers. Earn staff sheet. Receive a group hoodie.

Participate in recreation.

Learning 6-12 weeks Learn and understand individual treatment goals. Form relationships with staff and group. Discuss goals with group. Wear watch / wristband.

Participate in clubs.

Lower Progress 6-12 weeks Make progress towards goals. Learn other peer’s goals, start helping peers in group. Car rides with family.

Off campus shopping trips.

Progress 6-12 weeks Accomplish 75% of goals, show consistency. Start showing leadership in the group. Home visits and weekend home passes.

Higher phase night out.

Use of personal electronics.

Graduation 4-6 weeks Achieve 100% of goals, demonstrate consistent positive behavior. Be a leader in group. Fall out with staff’s permission. Graduation nights out.

Wear personal clothing when not doing responsibilities.

Helpful info

Clothing: At intake, youth are issued 2 pairs of jeans, 2 phase shirts, 1 pair of campus shoes, 1 pair of house shoes, 4 pairs ofsocks, 4 pairs of underwear, 1 belt, 1 hoodie and 1 pair of work boots as well as hygiene items.

Haircuts: At intake, youth will get a nice clean haircut signifying the beginning of their journey. We want our youths tolook presentable, especially in front of their judges!

Telephone use: Our youth can request to make phone calls as needed, however, we encourage them to use the assigned time of 7 pm to 9 pm daily so that the calls do not interfere with their school or campus activities. Calls to county contacts can be scheduled through our case coordinators during business hours.

Family visitation: Every Sunday between 1 pm and 4 pm.

Common terminology and abbreviations

Staff sheet: A list of staff members, whose signatures youths need to collect to move up from the Orientation Phase. Once staff sheet is completed, youth can call formal group to prepare to advance to Learning Phase.

Formal group: Facilitated by group leader, team gathers in a circle and discusses each peers’ goals and challenges while peers offer supportive advice to each other.

Informal group: Facilitated by staff, team gathers in a circle to solve a routine disagreement or a communication issue among each other.

Falling out – Graduation phase youth’s freedom to step away from the group and staff supervision and run an errand on campus with staff’s permission.

Privileges (“privs”) – Privileges youth can earn to enjoy activities and recreation.

Phase shirt – A color t-shirt corresponding with the youth’s earned phase.

CTI – Critical Treatment Incident.

CPP – Crisis Prevention Plan

DA – Diagnostic Assessment

HWC – Handle with Care Behavior Management System utilized at MYSA.

PRT (primary restraint technique) – physical intervention method trained by Handle With Care instructors.

ISP / ITP – Individual Service Plan / Individual Treatment plan

MPR – Monthly Progress Report

YCS – Youth Care Specialist

180 group – therapy group for juvenile sex offenders (JSO).